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The Geothermal Secrets of Beitou: Unveiling Radium Sulphur, Calcium Sulfate, and Iron-rich Hot Springs

Introduction: Beitou, located in the volcanic landscape of northern Taipei, is famous for its hot springs. However, many people don’t know that these springs result from complex geological and geothermal forces at play beneath the surface. Beitou’s hot springs offer diverse mineral compositions—each type shaped by different geophysical processes that occur deep underground. In this […]

The Geothermal Secrets of Beitou: Unveiling Radium Sulphur, Calcium Sulfate, and Iron-rich Hot Springs Read More »

Unleashing the Power of Geothermal with AI: Building Smart and Sustainable Thermal Grids in Taiwan

Introduction As a researcher in Taiwan’s geothermal energy industry, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative potential of geothermal energy for heating and cooling. However, optimizing its efficiency and integrating it within smart grids presents significant challenges. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in, offering a powerful tool to unlock the full potential of geothermal

Unleashing the Power of Geothermal with AI: Building Smart and Sustainable Thermal Grids in Taiwan Read More »

Uncovering the Power of AI for Geothermal Energy Systems in Taiwan: A Data-Driven Approach

As a researcher and expert in Taiwan’s shallow geothermal energy sector, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative potential of geothermal energy for heating and cooling. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques into these systems holds immense promise for driving innovation and optimizing performance. However, the success of these advanced technologies depends on access

Uncovering the Power of AI for Geothermal Energy Systems in Taiwan: A Data-Driven Approach Read More »

Demand Response Strategies for Geothermal Heat Pump Systems under Taiwan’s Subtropical Climate Settings

Introduction Taiwan’s subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters, presents unique challenges and opportunities for energy management. One promising solution is deploying shallow geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems. These systems leverage the relatively stable temperatures of the shallow subsurface to provide efficient heating and cooling. By integrating advanced control algorithms and communication

Demand Response Strategies for Geothermal Heat Pump Systems under Taiwan’s Subtropical Climate Settings Read More »

Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump Systems on Leveraging Groundwater Energy on Peak Load Shaving in Taiwan’s Future Cooling Grids

Introduction Taiwan’s electricity grid faces growing challenges due to rising peak cooling demands during summer months. This blog post explores the potential of shallow geothermal heat pump (SGHP) systems to contribute to peak load shaving and demand response in Taiwan’s future cooling grids. We will analyze the potential benefits of SGHPs as flexible distributed energy

Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump Systems on Leveraging Groundwater Energy on Peak Load Shaving in Taiwan’s Future Cooling Grids Read More »

Shallow Geothermal Energy Integration in Taiwan’s Future Smart Grids and Microgrids

Taiwan is actively pursuing the development of smart grids and microgrids to enhance the reliability and efficiency of its energy infrastructure. One key component in this effort is integrating shallow geothermal energy, which offers numerous benefits for grid stability, reliability, and renewable energy integration. This blog post will explore the role of shallow geothermal energy

Shallow Geothermal Energy Integration in Taiwan’s Future Smart Grids and Microgrids Read More »

Optimizing Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump Systems for Residential and Commercial Cooling Design in Taiwan

As Taiwan’s tropical climate demands efficient cooling solutions, shallow geothermal heat pump systems have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional air conditioning systems. These systems offer sustainable and cost-effective cooling for residential and commercial applications by harnessing the earth’s relatively constant temperature. However, optimizing their design and operation is crucial to maximize their potential

Optimizing Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump Systems for Residential and Commercial Cooling Design in Taiwan Read More »

Proposals for National Taiwan University District Cooling System

In an effort to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of campus energy systems, a district cooling system utilizing renewable energy sources is being proposed. The campus currently relies on traditional air-cooled chillers for cooling, which are energy-intensive and have significant environmental impacts. With increasing energy costs and a push towards reducing carbon footprints, there is

Proposals for National Taiwan University District Cooling System Read More »

Office changing and hybrid working mode and the evaluation of its impact on energy use

You may wonder how the office environment evolves in the post-pandemic era. This video gave a clear insight into why talented people nowadays prefer hybrid working. The flexibility to work remotely is the top priority for modern employees rather than the salary. Also, the office vacancies have almost doubled or tripled worldwide (like in the

Office changing and hybrid working mode and the evaluation of its impact on energy use Read More »

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